Don’t Wait for Perfection—Start Now and Trust the Process
One of the biggest things I’ve learned in my journey is this: If you wait for everything to be perfect, you’ll never start. Too often, we fall into the trap of thinking that before we can take action, we need to have everything in place—every detail, every plan, every resource. But I’m here to tell you that the truth is far simpler: Perfection is not required for progress.
The Bible reminds us that G-d doesn’t call us to have everything figured out. He doesn’t need us to have all the answers, all the right strategies, or a flawless plan before we step out. He just wants us to take that first step in faith, trusting that He will guide us, provide for us, and help us along the way.
Trust the Lord with Your Journey
When you take that first step, G-d is already ahead of you, working on your behalf. You don’t have to have it all planned out, because He’s got the master plan. He’ll provide you with the wisdom you need when the time is right, the people who will support and uplift you when you least expect it, and the divine strategies that will help you navigate the obstacles ahead. Your role is to trust Him enough to start.
You see, the blessing isn’t just in reaching the destination. It’s in the process. It’s in the growth that happens as you move forward. It’s in the lessons you’ll learn along the way. The longer you wait for everything to be “perfect” before taking action, the longer you delay the blessings that are waiting for you right in the middle of the process.
The Progress is in the Process
G-d is a G-d of progress, not perfection. Think about how He worked with the heroes of the faith. They didn’t wait until their circumstances were ideal to step into their calling. They didn’t wait until everything was perfect. They took steps of faith, sometimes shaky and unsure, but they moved. And G-d used them in powerful ways because they trusted Him in the journey.
The same is true for you. You don’t have to have everything figured out. You don’t need a perfect plan. What you need is faith. Faith that G-d will lead you, equip you, and show you the way. When you begin with trust, you open the door to miracles. You open the door to divine appointments, connections, and breakthroughs that can only come when you step out in obedience.
Prolonging Perfection Prolongs the Blessings
Here’s something to consider: When you wait for everything to be just right, you’re not just delaying your start. You’re also delaying the blessings that would come in the process. The progress is in the process. The growth, the learning, the refining—it all happens as you move forward. And G-d will bring the right people into your life at the right time to help you along the way.
There’s a season for everything, and sometimes that season is simply now. Don’t let the fear of imperfection keep you from stepping into what G-d has called you to. The moment you take action, you begin to align yourself with the blessings He has prepared for you.
So today, I encourage you: Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take the first step now. Trust that G-d will meet you in the middle of the process. Trust that He’ll lead you to where you need to be and provide everything you need along the way. The progress is in the process, and the longer you wait, the longer you delay the blessing.
G-d’s got your back—so go ahead and take that step. You’ve got this.
Chivonne Anderson